Friday, August 19, 2005

sheehan's enemies

I've always enjoyed reading Frank Rich's columns in the New York Times. I was especially glad when they moved him from the Arts and Leisure section to the Sunday Op/Ed section.

Anyway, I figured that this woud be an interesting column to link to because, in it, he basically says what I said about Sheehan in my most recent post a few days ago. Don't I feel prescient?

Once Ms. Sheehan could no longer be ignored, the Swift Boating began. Character assassination is the Karl Rove tactic of choice, eagerly mimicked by his media surrogates, whenever the White House is confronted by a critic who challenges it on matters of war. The Swift Boating is especially vicious if the critic has more battle scars than a president who connived to serve stateside and a vice president who had "other priorities" during Vietnam. . . .

True to form, the attack on Cindy Sheehan surfaced early on Fox News, where she was immediately labeled a "crackpot" by Fred Barnes. The right-wing blogosphere quickly spread tales of her divorce, her angry Republican in-laws, her supposed political flip-flops, her incendiary sloganeering and her association with known ticket-stub-carrying attendees of "Fahrenheit 9/11." Rush Limbaugh went so far as to declare that Ms. Sheehan's "story is nothing more than forged documents - there's nothing about it that's real."


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