Wednesday, August 17, 2005

"israel hopes gaza pullout will end bashing"

Rarely have I read something as ludicrous, short-sighted, and devoid of historical context as this AP story on Israel's hopes for the Gaza pullout.

On the day that Israel started its pullout from Gaza, U.N. envoy Dan Gillerman told a news conference Monday that "it is time for the United Nations to acknowledge Israel's actions" and to show that it not only supports the pullout "but is doing something to demonstrate that support."

"We therefore hope that in the United Nations there will be no more business as usual as far as the Middle East is concerned, no more business as usual as far as Israel is concerned, no more Israel bashing, no more ongoing resolutions which keep repeating themselves time after time after time," he said.

Although I understand that this quote comes from the a UN envoy and not the author, the implication of the article seems to be that the UN has behaved antagonistically with regard to Israel for no other reason than the fact that they are Israel. Regardless of how fair or unfair one believes that the UN has been to Israel, this outrageous claim is demonstrably false.


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