Wednesday, August 17, 2005

clinton's greatest gift

Rachel Maddow, one of my very favorite real liberals on television, is the only good thing about Tucker Carlson's low-rated new tv program. She alone is worth watching the show for.

Anyway, in this exchange with Monica Crowley about some ridiculous Clinton-approved jazz cd, Maddow's comments on Clinton's legacy :

MADDOW: I think. Well, Clinton hasn‘t been out of office very long. I think that his legacy remains to be—remains to be seen, and it is being fought out tooth and nail. I am to the left of the Clintons, as you know. You know me well enough to know this...


MADDOW: ... to know this now, and I‘m no huge Clinton fan. But thing that I think the thing the Clintons have given to American politics are the Clinton haters. And I think they the Clinton haters are some of the most amusing things in politics, and you have a little bit of the Clinton hater in you. I have seen it happen.

CROWLEY: Deny, deny, deny.

MADDOW: It‘s true. But I mean, no other president would have a group of people come out and try to build counter libraries in the same town because they thought the Clinton library was a lie-brary.


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