Sunday, August 21, 2005

my favorite republican

Sen. Chuck Hagel is an honest man. Sometimes I disagree with him, but I always appreciate his candor and sincerity. He says what he thinks and explains why. We need more like him.

In a recent interview about Iran, Hagel encourages the administration to view and pursue diplomatic negotiations with Iran as a potential opportunity rather than a necessary conflict.

You've got a new president, a new opportunity to do something bold here. Why not take that opportunity and do something bold? Iran is going to be a major influence in the future of Iraq. It already is. Who are we kidding when we think that they're not? They are.

"I would start engaging with American face-to-face dialogue. We're not at negotiations yet, but opening that dialogue. This is a process. This needs to work. Every side has to give something here. . .

"Quite frankly, what is the military option, what are we talking about here? We lose credibility in the face of the world when we say things like, 'Well just don't forget what happened to Iraq could happen to you Iran. We could invade you, we could bomb you.'

"Oh come on now. First of all, where are we going to get the troops? Who's going to go with us? Where are our partners going to be with Iran?"


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