Sunday, September 11, 2005

novakula's backula

This is the newest tripe being solicited by the Prince of Dark

McCain has been bomb

arded all sum

mer with attacks on him for opposing repeal. In mid-July, Birmingham, Ala., lawyer Harold Apolinsky, a longtime crusader against the estate tax, sent 23,600 letters to contributors who gave at least $2,000 to 15 senators opposed to repeal. McCain contributors were told: "Sen. McCain has shockingly failed to act on an issue of extreme importance to you." Contending that McCain's refusal to support estate tax repeal "may benefit and please the special interests, who've funneled millions of dollars into his many political campaigns," it asked backers to "contact" McCain and lobby him for his vote.

Any commentary that I would wish to offer has already been done perfectly by the New Republic, in an editorial in which the author notes that:

I realize the term "Orwellian" is overused in the context of Republican hackery. But the way this Apolinsky character invokes the phrase "special interest" is so completely the opposite of what the phrase actually means that I'm not sure how else to describe it. I had to read the graf several times to make sure I hadn't missed something.

* You may notice that I do not create hot links to many conservative web sites or specific articles. The articles that I link to always do, but, frankly, I do not like to encourage that particular web traffic. Sorry if that's not so fair and balanced.

** I'm sorry. I know it's petty, but I can think of few who I love to hate more than Robert Novak.


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