Tuesday, September 06, 2005

who else, but an utter buffoon?

So, my workload is such that I was going to take another few days off. However, I ran into this incredible tidbit and felt the need to post.

In addition to praising the lord for the death of Chief Justice Reinquist, Pat Robertson is apparently thanking his lucky stars for the destruction wrought by Katrina.

A recent Media Matters note puts it thusly:

On the September 1 edition of The 700 Club, Robertson argued that "out of this tragedy, the focus of America is going to be on these [hurricane] victims," and "inflamed rhetoric" from senators during Roberts's confirmation hearings "is just not going to play well now." Robertson also commented that, following the hurricane, if senators "[go] on a vendetta against Roberts" by sharply questioning or criticizing him, "it's just going to hurt them."

So, let me get this straight, tens of thousands of Americans are missing and most likely dead, but at least the road to the Supreme Court looks easier for Bush's most recent nominee? The lord does indeed work in mysterious ways.


Blogger ediehl said...

thanks for looking out for me, chicken of war.

I've erased the spammers' comments.

7:02 PM  

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