Wednesday, August 10, 2005

iran's quest for nukes

I wonder why Iran would be interested in resuming its nuclear program. Is it possible that they're concerned about the increasingly predictable chaos just over their border? I think that it would be difficult for anyone to argue that the Iraq war has been particularly helpful in this regard.

Regardless of the reasons though, this is a particularly depressing sign considering the work that Britain, France, and Germany have been putting towards improving relations and cooperation with the Iranian government.

In an AP story, Deb Reichman portrays Bush, in responding to the news, as appearing "to take a softer approach" with regard to Iran than he has in the past. Considering his total lack of cooperation with regards to the multilateral meetings in Europe, I would call that a major understatement. Furthermore, looking at the seeming overextension of so much of the current U.S. military, something tells me that the President won't be making the same bold proclamations that he may have made three years ago.

Anyway, from the article:
Over the weekend, Iran rejected a package of economic, political and technological incentives offered by Britain, France and Germany. The incentives were extended in return for assurances that Tehran would not pursue nuclear weapons. Iranian officials said the package was rejected mainly because it did not recognize Iran's right to enrich uranium, which can be used for producing both nuclear energy and nuclear weapons.


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