Friday, August 05, 2005

anonymous lies

Following up on the SCTTWH and Novak posts, I wanted to make sure that I linked to this Nation article by Frances Cerra Whittelsey. In it, she writes:

A major argument used by supporters of the status quo of White House news coverage is that providing anonymity guarantees access. Access to informed sources is important, but for what purpose? For phony stories about yellowcake in Niger? For tragically wrong stories about weapons of mass destruction that did not exist? Spare us that kind of access and the war it helped foment.

It's no wonder George W. Bush has such contempt for the media. His cronies must laugh regularly about how easily they manipulate reporters. Driven by ego and competitive pressure, they are willing carriers of the Administration's propaganda, blinded by feelings of false power because they are close to the people actually pulling their strings.


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