Thursday, August 04, 2005

count novakula suspended

I was done posting for the day until I ran into this tasty nugget from, of all places,

Apparently, CNN finally got the guts to suspend Robert Novak, the prince of darkness, douchebag of liberty, and partisan hack extraordinare. Too bad it wasn't for his roll in the initial leaking and cover-up of the Rove-Plame scandal.

Instead, things got a little heated on the set of Inside Politics when James Carville referenced the investigation over the course of a different story and Novak let loose with some vulgarity and stomped off the stage.

If you like your news from somewhere more reputable than Newsmax though (I certainly do), Atrios has the run-down, bleeped video links and all. Also, Think Progress has some wonderful examples of Novak's hypocrisy with regard to foul language.


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